Saturday, April 02, 2005



Anonymous said...

well, most of them are OLD band.
no doubt and garbage...

Green Day & linkin park are great.
Garbage has new song, hasn't it? it's called "why do you love me?", right? and 2005 is their 10th anniversary. let's celebrate


Anonymous said...

i forgot green day is also an old band


但真係好好聽嘛,快來支持Green Day,和支持Garbage新碟bleed like me吧

Anonymous said...

hahaha, i finally find yr blog la , wa , so many lyrics from leehom , so happy , do u know the blog of peggy ???



Anonymous said...

y u don't know ka ? seldom wor ,
i see my classmates xanga , they think econ is a bit easier than they thought , a , have any tips on the subject that on 22/4 ma ? if u are so
lucky ..................hahahaha, peggy had said that in her xanga , u find it la , and tell me ,

and god bless in yr econ , and the subject u may face in the near future

i feel the exam stress from econ ar , o my god ,

only one day left , i am so afraid that i got nothing to write on CLC paper 2, it is a nightmare for me , o no ,

i still got the damn traditional science in the past and in the future not yet revise ,

format of comosition ,

marking scheme of paper 2 ,

o no ,dear god , pls give me more time to revise la

my mobile got no battery............

wt a bad luck day

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

it is your problem la , cheung chok san is 焗死 ka wor , for me , i am very very hot , may be it is yr seating problem , or the weather is so ...............goood yesterday la ,

add oil to yr clc ,

may be u eat sth wrong so u have fever la , i don't think exam in cheung chok san is the main reason that u have yr fever wor

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

no r ,no la 推卸責任, haha, i don' t believe that it will bite me , u said that it is so small , hahahaha

yr 風is neutral wind , not the electronic wind ar ma ,

but mine is electronic wind , oo



Anonymous said...

u said that u feel very cold in yr xanga , so i believe u will wear more clothes to keep warm ,

if u don't wear more clothes, and then u get sick from it ,

it is not the problem from mine and it is yrs la

wa, u stay with yr computer ma ,

how abt yr clc ?

get well soon




